
Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm taking the plunge!

Welcome to my blog!
I've decided to join the world of blogging in an effort to communicate better and more often with my Close to My Heart team - Connected Hearts.

I have tried doing newsletters, but I'd rather clean my toilet than write a newsletter!   I apologize to those who looked for more from me this year.  I could make excuses, (I did prioritize my activites and tasks this year and unfortunately the newsletter ended up far down the list) but that is just an excuse....
I am far from perfect so instead of beating myself up about it, I've decided to do something different.

One of my favorite quotes is: "If you want something different, you have to DO something different".  
I don't want a repeat of last year so my "something different" I'm going to do is this blog!

I'm setting a new goal to blog at least once a week on Tuesdays, see how that goes, than add a second day each week.  Baby steps, smaller short term goals. 

Here is my goal statement - My "why" - I want to communicate more often and better that I have in the past.
Specific: I will do this by creating a blog and inviting my team members to join me.
Measurable: I will keep a chart and mark off each day I post.
Actionable: I will post to my blog at least once a week on Tuesdays, posting "shout-outs" recognizing  team members who have done awesome things in their CTMH businesses, creative ideas and tips, and motivational business ideas.

My first tip of the week is a great website I found to help learn how to set goals:  Click on the link then click on the first box "Success Begins Today"  Here is their example of a goal card.

I would LOVE to have you all as my accountability partners to help me keep on track with my weekly posting.  I'd love to hear your goals for the coming year!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Naomi! I actually love blogging, you can see (join) my blog here:

    I am really looking foward to your weekly inspirations. I've missed living close to my upline and being involved with the Connected Hearts unit. I think this really rocks!!

    My goal for 2011 is to grow my business with at least one workshop a month and 6 new downline. OKay, I am taking baby steps, too, and hopefully will be ready to revise my goals upwards by March.

  2. Naomi - I am so super proud of you (sounds a little silly coming from a CTMH youngin! Congratulations on taking on a blog. :)

  3. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! I think it's a lot easier than newsletters! :) I do hope that is not your real goal above - if you lost 20 pounds you'd float away on the next stiff breeze!

  4. I'm so excited to have followers!!!! Michelle, the goal card is the example from the website. I'm such a newbie and I was just happy that I figured out how to paste it into my blog! I'm going to work on more the next couple of days.

  5. Hi Naomi,
    Thanks for the website information.
    Can you give me the dates for 2011 unit meetings.

    Jackie B.
    Love the blog, thanks for the invite!!

