
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Personal Post and a Couple of Important Reminders.

Skylark card for my June card class.
I must confess - I'm having a hard time concentrating on work today.  As I sit here in my office I can see the sun shining, the clear blue sky and hear the birds singing.  It's pulling me outside. "staycation" week is over and it's time to get back on my regular schedule and get back to work.  I want to thank you so much for the abundance of birthday wishes.  I had a most wonderful day and all in all 55 looks like it's going to be a wonderful year.  Besides needing reading glasses to do my stamping and scrapping, I can't complain :)  Here are a few snapshots from my week.

Sitting on the "Iron Throne" at the
Experience Music Project
Sci-Fi Museum.  You'll
have to be a Game of Thrones
fan to understand this one :)  

Tea with my daughter, Rachel
(now a blond!) at the hotel where
her wedding reception was held. 
The patio below the deck is ready
for summer gatherings.
The deck is now OPEN!
Mother's Day Brunch.

A quiet dinner for 2
with Dave :)


1.) Take a moment to take advantage of the FREE customer newsletter that CTMH has provided.  Use the space CTMH has provided to personalize it to promote your classes, clubs or other events or just showcase your artwork!  Look under Marketing - Newsletters on the CTMH online office.

2.) The second quarter is more that half over so check your stats while you are at it.  They are located at the top of the page under Key Statistics.  Your Quarter-to-date needs to be $300 or more by June 30th in order to remain a consultant.  Remember, there is no longer a Jr. Consultant Title!  To remain a CTMH consultant you must submit $300 in minimum sales each quarter.

3.) Mark Your Calendars!


Attention EVERYONE ---- Connected Hearts (my team), Legacy Makers (my sideline-Julie Reynolds team), and the Dream Team (my Upline - Karen Morris's team) are combining forces for an amazing Convention Team Meeting. The content will knock your socks off.... you won't want to miss it! Our meeting will run from 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm, so leaders--- please schedule your own meetings either BEFORE (5 pm - 7 pm) or AFTER (8:45 pm - 10:00 pm) so that everyone can attend!  We will have a special surprise guest so be sure to come and stay for the FUN - watch for further updates!

Thriving 30 Event:
I am happy to say that the Connected Hearts are indeed both striving and thriving. We have had unprecedented growth and excitement for CTMH in April in great part due to some amazing team members in Texas!  I am happy to announce that the Connected Hearts Thriving 30 Event will be held in WACO, TEXAS on Saturday, October 4th at the Hilton Waco.  We are privileged to have none other than the VP and COO of CTMH, Brian Holman as our presenter! Watch for more details and updates after convention.   This date no longer conflicts with my upline, Karen Morris's event (Sat. Sept 13th in Las Vegas)  if you're my 1-3rd downline you are eligible to attend either or both events!
Oregon Team Meeting Date Change:
Because the dates for the Team Builders conference conflict with the scheduled Oregon Team Meeting date already announced, I am changing the date from Saturday, November 15th to Saturday, November 22nd.  Please make the change on your calendars.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Amy! We went on a Monday morning so there were very few people there and we could take as many photos as we wanted. We had a great time with all the interactive things in the exhibits. We are huge GOT fans and you know I'm into costume making so it was fun to see the costumes close up.

